Monclova Area Parents is registered with the Ohio Secretary of State as a non-profit organization that exists exclusively for charitable, educational, and scientific purposes under Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, or corresponding section of any future
federal tax code.
The objectives of our organization are:
*To promote the well-being of the children in school and community.
*To create a cooperative relationship between parents, teachers and staff in the education of our children.
*To promote the school and its programs in order to create a positive environment that provides the best possible atmosphere
for each child.
*To provide assistance to the school whenever possible and to combine our talents in an effort to build a better school community.
To support this organization, use the form below.
Your membership to FanClubCard will renew automatically each year and every time it renews, we’ll donate a portion of your membership to continue supporting this organization and it’s mission.
Let’s continue to build strong communities together.